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Life as travelling triathlete blog

> > > One of the greatest things of being a triathlete is getting to travel around the world. As a result of being a swim, bike and run sport it most often takes you to beautiful places as you need clean water and a beach. > > However, to get to these beautiful destinations you need to pack all your race gear, nutriton and clothes. One of the tedious parts of packing and building your bike. I’ve done this hundreds of times and it is still a pain in the butt. But, it has to be done, thankfully I don’t do as many back to back races as I used to so I only have to do it once per trip. When I was young and training and racing in Europe trying to qualify for the Athens Olympics I had to pack and build my bike 8 times in a three week period as I travelled by train and never stayed in the same place for more than two days. > > Needless to say I am a master bike packer but it still takes me just as long as it did the first time because I procrastinate doing it 😀 >

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