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Des Moines, IA World Cup Million Dollar Prize Money Race

Tomorrow I am racing at the Des Moines ITU world cup triathlon which has the largest prize purse in the history of triathlon with over 1million dollars split men and women with 200k going to the winners of each.

Coming off such a strong last weekend I hope to replicate the effort and have a better swim to start the race off. I feel totally recovered from last weekends effort and feel great and excited to race.

We follow this Saturday race with the World Team Triathlon Championships on Sunday. A fast recovery (well as much as possible) will be key after tomorrow’s 3:30pm race start time in order to be fired up for this short and guaranteed to be painful although fun sprint race.

admincrDes Moines, IA World Cup Million Dollar Prize Money Race


  1. Vincent   Reply

    best of luck tomorrow! Results have been great lately, lets hope for another one.

    I'm really excited to see the Team race, such a fun and intense idea.

    have fun!

  2. Anonymous   Reply

    Awesome work in the run Brent!!! To switch from Xterra to 70.3 to non-drafting to ITU all in the same season is quite a talent. You're becoming a complete "superstar" (as Berry Shepily would say) triathlete. Way to go!!!

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