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Tuning up and killing time!

Yesterday I made the long trip over from Victoria to Vancouver (no planes, trains and …. just a car ride and a boat) nice to not have to put the bike in a box for once. I came over on the 11am ferry so arrived at the hotel by 1:30 which was right at the race site where TriCanada nicely booked all the elite team in their own full suite for the next three days, Cheers TriCan! I then had a fun 2XU photo shoot by the beach at English bay with Paul and Kyle where I think we got more stupid photos then usable, sorry Dave! Hopefully there will be one.

Next it was off to the race briefing which the ITU has thankfully become efficient at (it is the same info at every world cup 16 times a year) and I was done all my planned activities by 4:30pm. So I went for a little walk and met up for dinner at the Macaroni Grill on Davie which was in the coolest Heritage house.

After dinner was a quick session with the master chiropractor Rob Hasegawa to get straightened out and talk about strategy for the potential cold weather. Then off to bed.

This morning was a group ride over the bike course with the race organizers and almost 150 elite athletes and then a little tempo session for me on the trainer in the room. I then did a little 7min tempo run out the hotel doors and onto the run course and cooled down with a short jog and some running drills. Then it was off to the Canadian Elite team meeting at 9am and now I sit here writing this.

I have a meeting with the Coach Lance Watson at 1pm and a swim on the course at 2pm. I will likely fit a few coffee hang out sessions in there too, plus killing some time on the computer checking out the Youtube video’s such as this one. Who said Violin wasn’t cool! Thanks for the entertainment Annabel.

admincrTuning up and killing time!

1 Comment

  1. Jeff Scott   Reply

    Brent, Jeff and Dee are pulling for you from here in Birmingham. Our \”Guests\” (pun intended) are doing great. Amy ran a trail 10k today and won, so the streak is alive. Now the pressure is on Kelly for Sunday. Good luck on your race Sunday. We\’ll be following it.