Today, Brent heads down under to Australia for the launch of the Super League Triathlon. The event runs over 3 days from March 16-18th with a variety of sprint formats. It will be fast and furious to say the least. Brent will wear a race specific uniform for the event with his sponsor logos; this has been created by Super League specifically for Brent. That said, there will be a rotating leader’s jersey that the leader will wear each day. Needless to say, this will not have his sponsor logos on it. If you have an iron-on logo, please let me know and we will provide an address for you to courier that logo. This is of specific interest to Brent’s uniform sponsors namely Bahrain 13, SUGOI, QR, Aquasphere, Easton, Alaska Milk and F2C.
For Super League updates, please visit their Facebook page and follow them on twitter.